GGI Global Alliance

Tramposch & Partner is a member of the GGI Global Alliance (GGI), a worldwide association of independent auditing and tax consulting firms, management consultants and law firms. GGI was founded in 1995 and today has 623 members in more than 126 countries.

Cross-border representation and advice is possible through membership of GGI, as processing teams are formed among the members. The advantage here arises from the local memberships, as the national aspects of the advice are brought into the teams by the national members. 

Dr Hubert Tramposch has been a member of the GGI Executive Committee since 2005. He was initially Chairman of the Lawyers Division, then CEO Europe and has been General Counsel since 2016.

Christian Seidl was Deputy Chairman of the European Debt Collection & Restructuring Practice Group for many years.

Website of GGI: